The Symposium was a Success

I thoroughly enjoyed the University College Research Symposium. After all the hard work we did over the semester, we were finally able to showcase everything we did in Makengue. I was nervous to present to a bunch of strangers. However it was nice to know my family would be there to support me. I looked to them during the presentation to help calm my nerves.


Dorian introduced the group and the Makengue Project. Then it was my turn. I introduced the documentary that I edited together. I was so proud of the work I did with Frankie. It was nice to see it on a big projector. I was also proud to see other people’s work. They did a wonderful job while they were there identifying plants, animals, and insects. I was also impressed to see the map of the perimeter. I was beaming in front of the audience. I knew that not many people had had the experience we had. We were only the second group of people from AU that had gone there. It was nice to know we were blazing a trail for future students. I only hope that they will have as much fun as we did, and be proud of their work there. I wish I could go back soon. One day, I will.


Just awesome

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I don’t even know where to start!

This has been the best week of my life! I had a great time with a great group of people and every single one brought in unique talents that made the time in Nicaragua very special. Each and everyone has made this trip too awesome to put into words, and living together with the group was  like being with family.

Hiking through the rainforest during the day and night was an awesome experience; the wildlife we saw and the things we encountered were spectacular. I felt like a real biologist. From bullet ants, to tapirs, snakes and wonderful birds, to alligators, jaguar footprints and giant spiders. This week has shown me that the path I have chosen in life is the right one and it has increased my passion for wild animals even more! The people of Nicaragua are awesome and I enjoyed working with the youth groups, the projects we established, about environmental issues and conservation came out great and we had so much fun dancing and playing soccer with everyone.

I wish I could talk about Makengue forever but space and time for this blog are limited. I still have the ” I wanna go back-depression”. Cheers